Just thought I'd post a quick update here. I finally got my ass to the gym today after a week of inactivity. Cos of my shift work which starts at 330am, I couldn't get used to it and constantly felt so tired I could not bring myself to visit the gym.
But that is all just excuses and I know it myself. If I want something badly, I would do anything to achieve it. I was reading this blog earlier and the guy said: "You're in control of yourself, so if you don't achieve your goals, don't blame anyone else. Fucking blame yourself and all your excuses. You have no one else to blame but yourself."
Hate to admit it but there is nothing about that statement I can go against. My goals are set by myself, and if I don't reach it I have only myself to blame and no one else.
I told myself I had to do it today. I got to start so that that inertia will be gone. And otw to the gym it was really painful. Like you have no idea how big that inertia was. I was 90% gonna give up and just go home to sleep. But I kept thinking about my goals. How much better I would feel after a workout, even if it is a short one.
And I am so freaking glad I went, even tho it was just a short sesh. I felt so happy and healthy and energetic the moment I started gymming. I always forget how happy I feel to be in the gym, or just exercising. I forgot how much I loved this lifestyle of mine, pushing hard everyday and feeling good about myself.
Although my diet wasn't good today, little steps at a time. You can be sure I'm going to the gym again tomorrow, and it's a new day, new start, and I'm gonna tackle that diet weakness of mine again.
• Remember those people that are waiting for you to prove them wrong•
128 days, bring it on jas.