Friday 12 December 2014

Incheon trippin'

So I finally finally have time to sit down and start blogging again haha. My long overdue blog post about my trip to Incheon. I think I went to Incheon mid November? Now it is almost mid December LOLL. But yeah, super busy with going out, exploring Korea, procrastinating, studying for finals...and finally decided to set aside some time to blog haha. Not that I hate blogging or what, I actually really love blogging about my adventures around pretty Korea, cos I can look back at all these memories in future and reminisce about all these happy times haha. Just that I would rather have sufficient time to do a proper post so hence the delay. Okay so enough rambling I shall get to the main point of this post hahah.

So the friends and I decided to go on a weekend trip to Incheon and I was particularly excited about this trip cos I have heard of Chinatown and the mural village there for the longest time already and they were definitely on my list of must go places before I return back to sunny Singapore.

We took the subway out and the journey lasted about 2 hours? We stopped at Incheon station (Seoul subway line 1) NOT Incheon airport station so make sure you dont get it mixed up or you may end up taking a plane LOL. okay not funny hahaaha. -__- Incheon's Chinatown is located just a 3min walking distance from the station and there are signs everywhere so you do not need to worry about getting lost once you reach there. Almost everyone stops at that station to go to Chinatown anyway haha.

So we reached and the entrance of the airport is the typical chinese looking infrastructure, i must say they did a pretty good job doing an imitation of the real one!

And the first thing we did was to eat this pork bun thing? My friends came before and they said it was really good and a must try so i shared with my friend one cos it was HUGE. I thought it was okay only tho, the meat has this really meaty know like 鱼腥味? hahah so i was pretty turned off by it and gave it all to my friend to eat haha.

And we went to the mooncake shop! All of us were craving for mooncakes cos we missed mooncake festival in Singapore, and we heard this shop was pretty good so we bought it. I forgot to take a picture of the shop though, but I remember it was pretty near the entrance, like after entering the gate you will walk up the slope till you reach a junction, and the shop is a little on the left in front of you. (like on the opposite side of the road). There are a couple of mooncake shops over there, and it is the 1st shop. Super cool cos they had tons of different flavours like green tea, milk, honey, red bean, green bean, coffee, yolk and many more! The only bummer was that they did not have snowskin or lotus paste flavour!! that is like my favourite-test flavour ever hahah. (i know that word does not exist loll) I got the milk flavour one! Decided to try a unique flavour since I can get the original flavours back in Singapore as well. Was so tempted to try all the flavours but I knew I couldnt finish them all by myself. :(

*Update* The taste was pretty legit!!

Walked around somemore taking a few more pictures, before walking to the mural village.
Me and my Laoniang advertising jjajjangmyeon LOL.
Tryin our best to imitate kungfu moves hahah
Friends <3 font="" nbsp="">
The mural village is so pretty!! Really brings one back to childhood haha. I really enjoyed myself looking at all the cute and pretty murals there, and of course taking tons of photos LOL. I even tried face painting!!! Always wanted to try face painting since young but never did cos I always felt it was a waste of money. But since im on exchange yknow...YOLO. hahaha so yeap and it wasn't that expensive, abt 3000w only? haha and it was really pretty so i was happy! Shall let the pictures do the talking from now!

1st attempt at buing buing HAHAHAH

Doggie face paint! so cute righttttt!!!:)

 And we decided to go to Wolmido park! It is a short bus ride away from Chinatown, and it has a mini amusement park and a ocean view there kinda.

Yeap that's me in red holding on tightly when the disco ride crazily swung us around loll.

And this is by far the scariest and longest ever viking ride i sat!! Freaking high and it was like never ending, me and my friends screamed till we were so tired hahah.

 Pretty sunset at Wolmido:)

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