Wednesday 10 June 2015

Rants and progress

Been neglecting this space way too long, feeling ashamed of my body, feeling helpless that a determined and fit girl like me in the past could let myself get to this stage.
I was doing very well, currently on a keto diet that was recommended to me by my trainer and im so thankful for it. I love the diet, but yet I find it so difficult to explain to people who are not into fitness esp people close to you when all they do is give judgy looks and make insensitive comments like "won't eating bacon and pb make you put on weight? " Or "why haven't you made any progress after so long? "

And they get angry with me when I get pissed off and don't bother replying. When they say they were asking all these out of concern. Yeah that's the reason why I'm getting pissed off. Like why can't you just show your support? It's not like I have been doing this fitness thing temporarily. It has been in almost every part of my life. I am serious about it and the least you could do is to show me some postive support.

Yeah well I am progressing,  if that's wht you're wondering. Slow like what you said because I have not completely gotten over my binging but yet I can't say it to you cos you will never understand. Slow but steady. I will show you what I'm capable of.<p>
Well the trigger behind this post was cos I binged today and I feel horrible. I was wallowing in self pity, wondering why I gave up when I was doing so well. And I saw this progress pictures, 2 weeks in (left before, right after) and I remembered how proud I was of seeing this small progress. And then I realised how I pulled through the last two weeks. I did not care about what other people thought about me, I did what I had to do to fight for my goals. And this is what I am going to do from now. I am posting all my food and progress pictures here to be accountable for myself. And because heck this , I am doing it for myself and no one else. And there's no more time to dwell on the past like I do last time. Tomorrow is a new day and I'm going to smash it.
#jas90daychallenge #ngujas #fitspo #fitnessmotivation #ketogenic #fitness #healthy #goals #determination #discipline #iwillgetthere

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