Friday 10 October 2014

DMZ tour!

So le parents are finally here in Seoul! Haha and we decided to go on the DMZ tour. Okay actually I decided to go and pulled them along haha. I have always wanted to go and see the North Korea-South Korea border and learn more about the history but haven't got the chance to in my 3 previous trips to Korea. So I was determined to go this time!

We booked the DMZ and Panmunjeon full day tour! Note that this is the tour that covers everything, like it really brings you inside to see where North Korea and South Korea's military holds meetings etc etc. If you opt for the DMZ tour only, you will only get to see like the infiltration tunnel and nothing much else. So yupp, though a little more pricey (125,000w if booked online) I think it will definitely be more worth it.

So I went in to see one of the infiltration tunnels that North Korea supposedly built to invade into South Korea. It is about 25 stories deep underground and climbing down was a breeze but the climb up was CRAZYYYYY. Never ending slope that did't even have platforms to rest, the slope just continued upwards ahahha. And no pictures allowed there so I couldn't take any unfortunately. But it was a pretty cool experience! Actually most of the places there pictures are not allowed so there is nothing much for me to talk about LOL. I managed to take a picture with a North-Korean soldier though

Don't know how my Dad can take such a picture without realising its so not centralised-__- LOL.

All I can say is you should go for once to experience it for yourself since I can't take any pictures to show yall! The history between both sides is really interesting too! But considering how expensive it is, I don't think I will go back again haha. Experiencing these kind of things once is more than enough. :)

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