Thursday 9 October 2014

Hyeri Art Village

Impromptu trips always end up with surprises! The trip to Hyeri Art Village last weekend was no different. Decided a few days ago to go to this place somewhere in Paju, out of Seoul as we heard that the architecture is really beautiful. I wasn't really interested in going at first cos Im not a very artsy person, but decided to go anyway cos my friends were going and I was free too. haha well luckily I did go! The architecture there is really beautifulllll~~

We were supposed to take bus 2200 from Hapjeong station, but we read on some blog that bus 200 could go too. So as the queue for 2200 was really long, we decided to just take 200, which is supposedly a longer trip there as compared to bus 2200. Turns out the bus route has changed. *NOTE: Bus 200 no longer goes to Hyeri Art Village!!*

So we ended up reaching there at about almost 3pm. It is a 2 hours ride from Seoul, and we were tired and hungry but when we reached we were really blown away by the amazing architecture there that we kinda forgot all our tiredness haha. Ate lunch quickly and decided to explore the place!

Hyeri Art village happens to be the location for the filming of Boys over Flowers too! Remember the cafeteria scenes of the school in the show?? It was filmed at this cafe in Hyeri Art Village!

Hahah too bad the best pictures I could get of the inside was this. Cos we had to eat a meal in order to go into the restaraunt and one main course costs about 25,000w. Thats crazy for a meal considering how I am a University student and yall know how poor students can be...hahah yeap but we weren't gonna spend so much on a meal so we gave going in a miss. I swear if NUS is as beautiful as this I won't be going home anytime haha! It really feels so relaxing there I think it's super conducive for studying. Too bad its 2 hours from Seoul, if not I will go there to study everyday haha!

And there was this chocolate cafe that we read about online too. Tried their chocolate drink and omg it was really delicious. Think drinking melted chocolate bars. Yeap it's that thick and good but really sinfullll. And must spam water if not sure kena sore throat hahah.

And we also found the big chair that Naeun and Taemin sat in on We Got Married!


Hahah the number of pictures I had to take just to get a nice one LOL.

And on the way back to Seoul, we saw a beautiful sunset, really really beautiful~

You can never see this in Singapore man. I guess the only thing I have to complain about Singapore is the lack of these nature and scenery and seasons haha. But well Singapore makes up for all this in so many other ways! (Safety, clean, NO PUSHING AHJUMMAS, NO CLIMBING FLIGHTS OF STAIRS IN MRT hahahah) And the next time you want to complain about how far you have to walk to change trains at Dhoby Ghaut from NEL to NSL, try Korea's one first. One has to walk a thousand miles to transfer from one line to another. I always end up perspiring after I just bathe cos of all the stupid stairs and walking lol. I LOVE SINGAPORE!!:)

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