Sunday 12 October 2014


I heard about this O-Train tourist thing from my friend who came on exchange to Korea last year. She din't get to try it though cos by the time she found out about it she was going home lol. So I went to check up on it cos I heard the scenery that we can see on the train is beautiful and knowing that my parents are the kind that prefer sceneries, relaxing trips over adventurous and fast-paced trips, I was really excited to bring them to see it. My verdict on it: It definitely wasn't bad but I was kinda disappointed. Lol I sound ironic but what I mean is that it is not worth the hefty price of the tickets that I had to pay(lol okay my dad had to pay), and the scenery was only so-so? Maybe I went at the wrong time( the leaves have not turned red yet), but the whole train trip I was almost seeing the same scenery. And the trip is kinda long! I basically spent my whole day(745am-10pm) sitting on the train, so you can imagine how painful that was. And to add on, I was having a crazy hard time booking the tickets online, cos everytime I tried to book a date they said it was sold out. You have no idea how many times I bought a ticket, cancelled it, change dates just to get the right dates. AND GUESS WHAT. The train was freaking empty when I went on it. My parents and I were the only people in my carriage. NO KIDDING. Can you imagine how pissed I was?! Feel my anger rising now as Im typing. BURNNNNNN.

Okay bad reviews and rants aside, I still took some nice pictures there so I shall post those and talk about happy stuff that happened on the trip. So basically after much confusion, I found out that the way to utilise the day well is to purchase 4 kinds of tickets; 1)Seoul to Jecheon (O-Train), 2) Jecheon to Cheolam (O-Train), 3) Cheolam to Buncheon (V-Train), 4) Buncheon to Seoul (O-Train).

 Inside the O-Train! This is the family room. The train is themed!

Children's room!

My Train Oppa *-*

 haha while on the train the staff went around getting people to take pictures with the hat. Look at my cute parents LOL.

 Yangwon. One of the stopover stations! It is literally translated as $2 in chinese haha.

Chujeon station. The highest train station in Korea! (above sea level)

 haha caught in the act trying to take a selfie!

Inside the V-Train! Pretty cool cos the train goes into the tunnel multiple times so the train will glow like this in the tunnel. Spot the photobomber hahah.

Buncheon station! Train transfer to V-train!
 Mandatory tiger shot that people take when they come to Buncheon station.
 Trying to set my my selfie stick and I unknowingly snapped a shot. Quite candid hor HAHAHA

So while in Buncheon we had to wait for 3 hours for our train back to Seoul. Me and my Dad were very bored and he started asking me to pose for pictures around there...Not that I am complaining HAHAH

That's about it! Din't take anymore pictures once we got on the train back to Seoul. Cos it was a freaking 5 hours ride and we were all too tired by then. Next week im off to Jeju! And midterms is the week after LOL YOLO nevermind play first worry later hahaha. #exchangepriorities

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