Tuesday 28 October 2014


So I finally have time to sit down and relax abit and update my blog. This post is way overdue by the way hahah I think my parents have already gone back to Singapore 2 weeks ago, but I only have time to post it now. Wonder why am I so busy even when I am on exchange?!! loll anyway I digress...

So the parents and I went on a 4 days 3 night trip to Jeju. The last time I have been to Jeju was in 2006? And I was kinda young so I don'r really remember much about the place, except that it has beautiful sceneries and the winds are crazy strong there. So we booked this taxi driver, he turned out to be a really pleasant surprise! His name is Mr Kim Nam Joo, and he even has a website dedicated to this job! You can go to www.ajeossitaxi.com to check it out! (He and his friends manage the blog). He is a really good tour guide and a nice man, often introducing us good places to go see and making sure we are always in comfort and all, so yeah you could consider contacting him if you're in Jeju! He speaks good English by the way so no worries!!

We visited a couple of places, but I can't remember all cos it was so long ago, and there were too many lolll. I did actually make a mental note of some places that I felt was worth visiting again if I ever come back again! (Speaking of which, I will be back there in December when my sister comes to visit loll)

So some of the places are Sangumburi Crater, Mysterious Road, Jusangjeolli Cliffs, Hallim Park, Seongsan Ilchubong. Yeap these are the few that I can recall off my head now lol and I think googling the names will have them appearing on your search engines!:)

Overall it was a pleasant trip, but I kinda feel Jeju is overrated haha. Like I really felt quite bored on some days cos most of the shops and attractions close once the sun sets, so I will be stuck in the hotel from 6pm all the way to the next day. luckily I brought my books to study cos I had mid terms the next week lol. Wise decision *pats on the back* And yupp I shall just let the pictures do the talking because first, im lazy to type anymore (and tired from a long day!) and second, i really don't know what else to write cos I cannot remember. TOO LONG AGO ALREADY LOLLL. Sorry for the disappointment if you're reading my blog. Like you must be thinking why blog when so lazy HAHAH. ok la, I will make more effort in my next post! :))


 Jeju folk village~
Sangumburi Crater.
 This place is REALLY BEAUTIFULLL. Too bad I couldn't really capture the beauty on camera, you should go and see for yourself if you go to Jeju!

Jungmun Beach. 
Hahah I think this was also where Secret Garden filmed one of their famous scene! There's this bench there with the poster of Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won, cos they sat on the bench and kissed loll.

Seongsan Ilchubong.
This place is really beautiful too! Too bad I did not manage to climb all the way up cos my parents are there and they couldn't climb so high. I will probably attempt to go up on my next trip here!

Some random place along the roads where they just hang cuttlefish out like this to dry, SUPER COOL!!

Jusangjeolli Cliffs.
I love love love this place. I felt so relaxed just looking at the view and just be in awe of nature. Singapore doesn't have all these so I guess I appreciated it more cos of that.

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