Sunday 10 August 2014

Mandatory 1st post~

As always, a welcome post to start the blog haha. It's D-5 countdown before I fly! So excited and yet scared to leave my comfort zone. But im sure I will enjoy this whole experience! Im gonna try to update as regularly as possible about my life in Korea these 5 months, as well as try to help you guys with admin stuff before flying, hopefully you will find them useful!:) And just a short write up about me, my name is Jaslynn and im 22 this year. Im a year 3 student currently studying Communications and New Media at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences(FASS)in NUS. I love sports and I really love making friends! hahah okay I hope you will have fun reading my blog and I hope it will be of use to any of you who are planning to come on exchange in the near future! Leave a comment if you do have any questions and I will try my best to help you:)

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