Thursday 14 August 2014

Dormitory application and Health checkup

Hello guys!
So after all that admin stuff for application is settled, you have...more admin application headache!!! yayyyy!! haha yeap now after all that what you would need to settle is the dormitory application. That is, if you are planning to stay on campus. I chose to stay on campus because it is way cheaper than staying outside after my research. Staying on campus costs about 500+-600+SGD PER SEMESTER whereas staying outside costs about the same amount PER MONTH. Yeap, so you do the calculations. Haha I actually really wanted to stay outside cos I wanted to live alone and have my own privacy(cos staying in dorm means compulsory roomie), but well I guess saving money for my Dad who has spent so much for me for this exchange sounds better huh?:) And that would also mean lesser load for me when I pay him back in future haha!!
Okay, so after you have successfully settled all the application stuff for admission, SNU should send you an email with the guide on how to apply for dormitory and the dates to apply. (NOTE: I am writing all these based on my experience for SNU, not sure how the other Unis in Korea work, so do find out properly if you are not going to SNU for exchange!!)The link for application guidelines can be found here. This is for 2014 Fall Semester though, if youre coming in other semesters, the school should send you an updated guideline but this is how it roughly looks like. Log into "My_SNU" portal and apply online. There will be instructions there as to how and when to get your waiting list numbers and when the announcement of the waiting list numbers will be out.
So once you get accepted into dormitory, the school will require you to pay immediately and send in your documents necessary for admission into dormitory, and that includes the health checkup form. But you must be wondering how to we send in all these in such a short notice right? There's no way the documents are going to reach the school in time. Fret not! Wait for another email from the school that will be providing a set of separate instructions for foreign students like us. There will be an extended deadline for us so our documents can safely reach there in time. However, do note that the health checkup results will take a while to be out, so try your best to get your checkup done as soon as possible so once you get the acceptance, you can send in all your documents quickly. As usual, I almost missed the deadline for submission again and went into panic mode. I actually sent in my documents a few hours before the deadline cos my health checkup results only came out on the day of the deadline itself. Imagine how nerve-wracking that was!! I was so afraid of them forfeiting my space in dormitory. Hence Im writing all these posts and I hope that this will be helpful to you guys who are going to come on exchange so you can get everything done before the deadlines! Korea is rather strict with the deadlines, I emailed them asking for an extension of deadlines but they did not allow. So yupp, best thing is just to get everything done as soon as possible!
Documents that SNU requires you to submit are:
1. Photocopy of your passport
2. Health checkup form
3. Photocopy of evidence of your vaccinations
The health checkup form will look something like this:
The vaccinations I took were Flu influenza, Measles, Tetanus and tuberculosis jabs. I think that SNU is more concerned only about the X-ray and measles results, so if you do not want to take the other jabs, you should be fine! For the health checkup, make sure it includes a blood test and X-Ray! And you should be fine! Send in all your documents and youre done!:)

1 comment:

  1. Im really late but I received my waiting list number and I was wondering which number you were to get in the dorm to see if i still have a chance! thanks :)
