Thursday 28 August 2014

Bukchon Hanok Village+Movieeee

So today I went around exploring some tourist attractions such as the Bukchon Hanok Village, and also made a trip down to the school that I am going to be an exchange student at, Seoul National University!!
I have actually been to the Hanok Village several times before, but went again because my friend had not been there before and it is a really beautiful place anyway, so I didn't mind going again and was in fact really excited to show her around the place! The nearest MRT station to Bukchon Hanok Village is Angguk Station(Bright Orange line) and we came out of exit 1 because we wanted to eat this really awesome cheese tteokbokki ramen place near that exit. Normally people will go through exit 2 because that is the start of the Hanok Village, but well because we were too hungry we decided to go from the back instead and walk back to the start of the village.
So anyway, this awesome food place is called 먹쇠돈나, which literally means "Eat, Rest, Pay Money". Well you get the meaning of their name literally haha.
Awesome food seriously I think this is one of the best foods I have tasted in Korea haha. There's another outlet at Hongdae! It near exit 9, so do check it out if you happen to pass by!
So after a filling lunch, we were off to our "hike" up the hanok village, good way to digest our foods hahah. *warning* To those who hate exercising, this may be really tiring for you cos its all upslope hills hahah! I was pretty tired that day climbing up with my hugeass heavy bag and camera, and it didn't help that the sun was scorching hot that day. BUT the view at the top is amazing, so I strongly recommend you guys to go visit there, I mean that's what you do on trips right? YOLO all day, everyday hahaha!

 Yeap, so it was a tiring but nevertheless wonderful day spent with my friends:) So glad to have this group of friends to travel together, they make the whole experience 100000000 times better:') And I also caught my first movie here in Korea at night! Technically, it's the 1st movie on this trip(cos i have watched movies in korea before haha) I caught "The Fault in OUR Stars". Yeah, I'm pretty slow, didn't have time to watch it in Singapore, so I watched it here. Really awesome movie I must say. So touching, my tears flowed like its free LOL. But the ending is kinda...lame. haha can't have the best of both worlds huh. And tomorrow I got to wake up early cos I am going CA...CARRIBEAN BAYYYYYYYY!!~~ hahah pretty excited cos I have not been there before even though I have been to Korea 3 times before haha. Okay gonna sleep now shall update more tomorrow goodnight!!:)

P.s Oh I didn't manage to take pictures at SNU, but I will do so in future posts since Im gonna be there most of the time from now on hhaha!

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