Thursday 21 August 2014

Busan Trippin' (2)

Majority of our trip in Busan was raining, but we managed to visit several places!
First up is the Gamcheon cultural village!

Pity the pictures came out like that, Im sure it would be way more beautiful if the sky was clear and sunny:( It was a pretty place though, worth visiting but I must warn first that the stairs there are C R A Z Y. hahah i felt like i was climbing the stairway to heaven cos its like never-ending and coming from someone that exercises pretty often, it is really tiring hahah. But worth it la,so do have a look if you are in Busan!:)
We also went to Haeundae beach and its a really beautiful beach! But too bad my phone camera= sucky pictures so the pictures will have to wait a little longer when my friend posts the pictures on her DSLR and I shall kope from her hahah. We went to the Taejongdae Lighthouse too! Lucky for the good weather on the last day, so we managed to capture some nice pictures:)

This picture is courtesy of my friend, Sophie!:) thank youuuuuu for the picture haha.And the lighthouse!

Really pretty place but once again the hike up is crayyyyyy! haha we walked uphill for like 2km?!And back down another 2km.I think the whole Busan trip is an exercise trip not a relaxing trip lolll.( But im secretly happy cos i get my daily dose of exercise hahah) But the view is really worth it!:)
We also visited the Yonggungsa Temple, its a temple near the beach and perched on a hill. The view up there is really breathtaking, and I felt a sense of inner peace within me, like all my worries were gone when I was up there:)

Busan is famous for its seafood, so we had to visit the Jalgachi Market and try their seafood!

So basically stalls and stalls of seafood and we just chose one and sat down to eat. My friends ate the raw and live octopus and sashimi, but I didn't. Just couldn't bring myself to do it, but according to my friends it was really delicious hahah so if you're game for it, you can go ahead to give it a try!
Busan is also famous for this seed pancake called 싸잇떡, or ssa-yit-deok(loosely translated), it is absolutely DELICIOUSSSSS!!!! It tastes a little like humjipeng or butterfly, only 100000000times better cos of the ingredients inside.

Theres like peanuts,seeds, sugar and idk what else but its seriously gooddddd omggg im so sad I only managed to eat it once when I was there. Would totally eat it everyday if I could!!My Busan Oppa hard at work HEEHEEHEE

Pardon the poor video quality hahahah!So this basically sums up my Busan Trip, now back in Seoul and slacking the day off and resting before my next round of activities heeheehee. I think Im going to the Carribean Bay soon WOOHOOOOO~~

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