Tuesday 12 August 2014

Exchange application

Hihi guys! Okay so after you successfully applied for exchange with NUS, there will be several admin stuff to settle but for those you will be given step by step instructions by the NUS exchange department so you shouldnt go too wrong or be too confused as to what to do in that aspect. Its basically handing up several documents like for example your passport copy, official transcript, bank statement and so on which NUS will then send to your exchange university for approval of your acceptance into the university. After that is done, your korean univeristy should send you an email accepting your application followed by the documents that you should receive and what you should do next. For me, I got accepted into Seoul National University, so I am not too sure on the process for other universities, but this is roughly the schedule that I received for SNU: --> Click on it and you should be able to see the details^^
Yupp, so basically NUS will inform you when to collect your admission package so you do not need to worry too much about it. And FYI, the unis in Korea take a loooonnnggg time in sending over your admission package, haha I received mine in late July even though I got the acceptance email way before, and my friends at Korea University also received theirs about the same time as me but a little earlier. So don't panic if you have not been asked to collect your package, it will probably come much later:)
After collecting your admission package, you will then have to proceed to make your visa(which i will touch on in the next post), as well as do your necessary health checkup if you are intending to apply for dormitory in SNU. For my friends in KU, they actually had to do their health checkup way before during the application process so I guess it differs for different Universities so make sure to check properly what your school requires!
In the midst of all these applications, don't forget to do your mapping! IKR, the pre-exchange process is actually quite tiring, so much stuff to do I almost wanted to give up on going exchange totally hahah. Anyway, I totally regretted not doing my mapping earlier, I rushed and panicked like crazy towards the end because the professors took a pretty long time to reply and my school bidding had started and I had no idea if I could map certain modules back and all so my timetable was pretty messy. Right now I havent even gotten all my modules yet so I am just waiting to appeal and hopefully the Korean professors will take pity on an exchange student hahah. YESSS, so as soon as the Korean University release the modules for the next semester, go find modules that you can map over. The link to look at modules for SNU can be found here.
So when you enter the page, you will see on the top right hand corner where i highlighted the word "Korean". It should actually read "English" so click that and the page will be auto translated to English for your convenience. And just a tip to shorten the hassle of searching high and low for English modules (Which i assume everyone of you is intending to take english modules in Korea unless your Korean is really good and youre really confident in it hahah), click on the button which says "advanced search" at the right.
On my screenshot its "quick search" cos I have already clicked on it. And after that you should see the box for "English Lecture" at the bottom left hand, check it before you go searching for your modules and then your search would then be filtered to english modules only:) And fyi, you dont need to log in to your account to search for your modules so do not worry so much if you haven't got your user ID and PW from the SNU side yet.And as expected, SNU takes a while to update their modules so if this semester's modules are not out yet, you can try seraching for similar modules in the previous years or semesters by using the filters on the top as seen in the screenshots. After finding modules, email the respective dpeartments in NUS for approval and you are almost done for mapping! So yes, I cannot emphasise more on how important it is to start early for mapping, it is really kinda tedious so do early if not you will regret like me!!
So that's basically about it for this post, hopefully its not an overload of information! It would be great if this has helped you and if there are any more queries, do drop a comment below of send me an email and I wil try my best to help!:))

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