Saturday 30 August 2014

First cookout!:D

This morning I woke up feeling fat so I decided to go for a run. Lol no la i already decided the night before I will run in the morning and I was determined to get back into my healthy lifestyle so yes to cut the long story short I went for a run around Hongdae. Im so glad I went for a run though. Seoul looked so different in the morning when there aren't much people on the streets. And I saw so many pretty cafes!! Too many cafes in Seoul I really wanna go to all of them! Hopefully I can visit many more when I am here. I was just so in awe and excited I kept snapping random pictures along the way haha so enjoy the following pictures~

 The graffiti was found at some random underground tunnel I went through, super pretty:))

 In the afternoon, I went cafe hopping with my friends at Garousil-gil. It is located at Sinsa Station, exit 8!Garousil-gil is a more upmarket place compared to like Hongdae or Edae, something like Singapore's Orchard Road? The cafe we went to was really awesome though! It's called Cafe Oui. I don't really know how to get there cos I was just blindly following my friend haha but Im sure googling it will lead you to the place:)
 My pancake and waffle brunch:))
 Gave bread as an appetizer on the house!
The food was really awesome and in a huge portion, I couldn't finish it all! And the ambience is really good! I took some pictures of the exterior but they are in my dslr camera, so I will post them later haha.

Went walking around the area after a filling lunch.

 This is a really pretty cafe that we walked past, sorry my photo-taking skills sucks!!
 Heehee Ma cafe in Garousil-gil~~

And finally at night, we decided to head to my friend's house for a cookout session! Really excited cos it was the first time I am doing such a thing!!:)) Stopped by some supermarket to get groceries and off to my friend's house to cook!!

Spot the 2 faces in the small window behind hahah:p

Dinner was a success and it was AWESOME:))Had soup, veggies, macaroni,salmon, gyoza, eggs and dessert!

 I must say all of us are good cooks!! Hahaha self praise but the food was really awesome. Maybe it was also cos we were all missing homecooked food. And the company definitely made the whole experience better:)) Can't wait for the next cookout!
Moving into dormitory tomorrow, can't wait to see how it is!!!!!:))

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