Friday 29 August 2014

Carribean Bay!!!

Woke up today feeling pretty excited cos I am going to Carribean Bay! After coming to Seoul 3 times before, this is the first time I am actually going there cos it is the right season. Heehee yeap so even though we had to wake up pretty early, I was in high spirits.
Met the rest at Gangnam station and waited to take bus 5002 to Everland. Met some rude Caucasian people that nearly ruined our day!! Everyone was queuing properly to enter the bus but they pushed their way through and forced their way up. OMG SUPER PISSEDDDDD you have no idea unless you were there. But enough about them, talking about it makes my blood boil only!
 We had to take a shuttle bus up to Everland Resort after the bus 5002. And finally reachedddd!!
 See how blue the skies were? We were really lucky heehee forecast said it would rain in the afternoon but it didn't so glad!! And that is about all the pictures I had at Carribean Bay LOL cos we deposited our stuff into the lockers once we got in so I didn't get to take any pictures. But overall I would say Carribean Bay is a must visit especially during summer!! The rides were really fun!! Especially this group ride called "The Boomerang" or something. haha basically we will go down this really steep slide very fast and the momentum will cause the float to go upwards so its like a U-shape slide. lol don't know if yall get what im saying but its kinda like the U shape slide in Wild Wild Wet but way more thrilling and fun!!
 Some stuff I thought was amazing about Carribean Bay was their system there. So in order to minimise the things that we will need to bring into the theme park(such as money etc), we could get this hand tag thing that we can deposit money into.
 The minimum you could deposit was 30,000w? But don't worry, whatever you did not use can be refunded at the end of the day!!:) Also, if you are feeling bored and tired after some rides, you could try going to the Beauty Zone at the Aquatic Center. Hahah I was in a good mood that day so I decided to treat myself by going for a massage. (in a theme park LOL). The massage wasn't superb, but I thought the mud mask that I did was really refreshing! They were really generous with the mud haha put like a damn thick layer on my face!
AND THE TOILET. THE TOILET IS AWESOMEEEEE. hahah it was really clean cos we had to remove our shoes before entering the toilet and the toilet is carpeted and really huge! I think Singapore should really adopt the "No Shoes" rule in toilets at like public swimming pools and whatnot cos it not only lessens the cleaner's workload, it is also much more pleasant looking! Other than the fact that there were like...(*caution: obscene info coming up*) naked ladies walking everywhere in the toilet hahah which was like a culture shock to me, the toilet is really damn awesome hahah. I can't believe I can talk so much and rave about a toilet, but yes it is really good!!

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