Saturday 16 August 2014

Shopping and Cafe Hopping

Immediately after I touched down in Korea, I met up with Yeesee!!:) So thankful because of her, I can haz a comfortable accomodation hahaha!
This is us on the way to a Singapore buffet celebration. Hahah apparently the Singapore Club in Korea had a gathering to celebrate National Day, so of course we went there for Singapore food. Funny cos I just arrived from Singapore and im eating Singapore food again haha. But im not complaining cos its free and its LOCAL FOOD! I love local food, can never ever get sick of it haha. Wanted to post some pictures of the food I ate, but the quality sucks cos im using my phone camera. Got to live with sucky pictures till I get my camera shipped from Singapore hahah.
ANDDDD!! met up with my exchange Chingus in Korea and we went Cafe Hopping! Haha went to this cafe recommended by eatyourkimchi. The cafe is called "You Are Here" and it is really pretty and chill, I wish Singapore will have more of such cafes, it would make such a good study place!!
The coffees were great too! I had the grain latte, its has grains and cereals in it(?) and it reminds me of marigold's oat milk in Singapore. Haha if you do have the time go check it out! The address is 마포구 동교동 204-53 (Mapo-Gu, Dongyo-dong, 204-53). and for walking directions you can visit eatyourkimchi's website here.

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