Monday 1 September 2014

Moving into Dorm!!~

I have finally moved into dorm!! Crazily excited about it cos its the first time I am staying in the dorm(in Singapore I stay at home loll) but yet also nervous cos I got the apartment dorm, so that means 6 people are living together. I was worried cultural differences or different living habits may make it difficult to live together. But the good thing about the apartment is that we have our own toilet, fridge, living room and washing machine. So anyway yeap with these mixed feelings I left Yeesee's house at Hongdae for Seoul National University Gwanaksa Dormitory.

I must say I was really surprised when I entered my room after all the registration!!

This is the living room! Huge right!!

 My bed side haha! My comforter super doesn't fit the bed but I don't care I bought it on impulse cos it was so cute hahahahah

 And my table haha sorry for the mess still in the midst of unpacking~
 I was really glad cos the room kinda surpassed my expectations in terms of its size! But the toilet was pretty dirty, the school did not really bother to keep the place clean. Like there was so much rubbish left behind by the old occupants! Spent awhile cleaning up the place. And the aircon is only in the living room, haha so the room was a bit stuffy but it was alright I guess. I slept quite comfortably and even used my comforter. The weather will turn colder soon so I guess it doesn't really matter if I din't have aircon in the room!:)

And I met my roomie as I reached into dormitory. Shes an American and she seems really nice!! Talked to her abit and I am hoping we will get along well the coming months! The other girls in my dorm includes 2 Brazilians, 1 Korean and another girl that hasn't moved in. hahah multi-national dorm to the max man hahahhaha! But they are all really nice so Im really excited to get to know everyone better and learn about their cultures!:)

Today is the first day of classes, wish me luck heehee I hope I don't get lost! I went running this morning around school and got lost and spent almost 2 hours outside jogging before I found my dorm hahahah. So I better leave early for lessons later!! I can't really get a nice picture of the school while I was jogging, the best I could get was the main gate...haahah cos I tried taking pictures, like when I am seeing the mountains and all around school they look really beautiful, but on the picture they just look like...bumps. hahaha so well when I get a better picture I will post it up haha. Must find a good spot first!!

The main gate is actually a Korean character called 샤(Shyea). In Korean, SNU is written as 국립 서울 대학교, which is actually putting ‘ㄱㅅㄷ', the first Korean consonants of each word together. Pretty cool huh hahah!

Oh and special thanks to my friends who helped me in the moving in to the dorm, I couldn't have done it myself and for letting me stay in your house for the past few weeks, THANK YOU!!! I really appreciate it:))

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