Tuesday 30 September 2014

Gwanaksan and my 1st Birthday overseas~^^

Haven't been really posting cos recently work has been piling up and I havent really gone anywhere too haha so yeah nothing much to post. But last Saturday my friend jio-ed me for hiking and I was more than glad to go cos I always wanted to go try it since a long time ago. haha so we started the trek at about 1030am and it started off well. Then it got more and more difficult...and it got crazy hahah like I was literally scaling rocks and grabbing on to them for dear life cos I did not have any support gear. It was really not what I expected, like in my mind hiking was just like walking up some steep slopes but with pathways...not climbing rocks LOL. I should have taken a picture of how steep it was but I think I was too busy worrying about my life to even take pictures then. Haha okay la but it was really super funnnnnn!! I would do it again without batting an eyelid. This is something you can never ever experience in Singapore. (Bukit Timah Hill move aside!!!) And needless to say the view on top was AHMAZINGGGGGGG :)) In love with the view I even told my friend we should start hiking at about 4am so that we can reach the peak in time to catch the sunrise and she said I was crazy cos it would be so dark and dangerous hahah. oh wells, my life is more important I guess hahah.

Stopped at this pitstop where this rock im leaning against is famous for looking like a rabbit^^

Clearer picture of it :)

At the peak!!!

The small shrine at the peak!

heehee with my hiking chingus!~

halfway pitstop

Came down and was really aching my legs were feeling jelly and I got a feeling the next day I would most probably be bed ridden. How sad cos it happened the next day was my birthday. Bed ridden on my birthday LOL. But anyway I had a lot of assignments to complete so it didn't matter (supposed to do on hiking day...but I fell asleep HAHA), I would be sitting down all day resting my poor legs anyway haha. So yupp I literally sat down and did assignments the whole day on my birthday.

Oh wait, had to say I was kinda sad the previous night cos my closest friends like the netballers did not wish me at 12mn. Like I expected at least a wish since I was not in SG with them and I seriously felt quite disappointed when nothing came. And at 1230 SG time E-liz asked me to check Youtube for this video dedicated to me. I literally bawled myself out watching the video it was embarrassing haha. I think it was a mixture of feeling super touched for their efforts and that they remembered and missing them a lot too. haha well gonna upload the video here for myself to remember and for anyone who may be interested to watch^^ LOVE YOU GUYS!! :))

So back to the topic of assignments loll. I was gonna meet my SG exchange friends for dinner and actually kinda suspected they were going to celebrate my birthday for me cos they suddenly said they wanted to meet at SNU station when they always complained that it was far from their school. haha so anyway they said to meet at 7pm but at 4 plus my friend kinda accidentally snapchatted me that she was on her way out? So I was thinking wow that is kinda early haha. And at 6 plus I was sitting at my dorm chatting with my apartment mates when one of them suddenly stood up and left the house without a word and I was wondering what happened. Before that I happened to see her looking down the window and laughing and I asked her what happened but she said nothing haha. So it turns out that they collaborated with my apartment mate so that she could bring them in!

AND EVERYONE WORE ONEW MASKS IT WAS HILARIOUS!! I was super touched by the way, cos they came all the way to my dorm, and printed all that stuff and put in so much effort just for me, really really thankful for this bunch of family whom I have grown close to after just a short 1 month stay here. Exchange will never be the same without you guys <33 nbsp="" p="">

super candid happy+touched face

<3 comment-3--="">

hahah 8 Onews Invasion

Just when i thought everything was over, the next day I was supposed to meet my NUS SNU friends to practice making laksa for international day. It was really funny cos I walked in on my surprise. Like they were just preparing and the cake was just lying on the table when I came in. So I kinda spoiled my own surprise LOL. But nevertheless super thankful for them for making the effort as well. Knowing that I was trying to be healthy they got me a blueberry yoghurt cake and made me my first seaweed soup!!! Seaweed soup is a must for Korean people on their birthdays!^^ heehee super duper happy to have received seaweed soup just lika korean in those dramas I always see hahah.

My 22nd have really been nothing short of awesome:) I thought this year will be kinda boring since I was overseas and away from my regular buddies, but I couldn't have asked for more :) And also thank you so much to all my friends and families in Singapore that even remembered and bothered to wish me on FB, WA, intstag and all. I have received your love and am happygurl92 heehee.


Saturday 20 September 2014

1 month mark:)

Just a short update on my life in Korea so far. ITS BEEN 1 MONTH HERE ALREADY?!! OMGGG time sure passes so quickly!!Im so glad to have met new friends from around the world instead of just sticking to my Singapore friends. (though of course they are the best company), but yeah I am really glad and blessed to have such nice roommates. Initially I was really afraid of staying in the Dormitory because I was afraid of having to deal with different personalities in the same household. But I am glad to say all is turning out well so far? My roommate and apartment mates are awesome, heres a picture of them:)

haha it feels great that I can talk to them almost every night so casually like we have known each other for a long time. Talking about everything under the Sun, and also the fact that they are all younger than me did not really occur to me, and that means that we click together really well?:))

And also thankful for my friends in Singapore who introduced to me Korean friends here so that I can feel more at ease here in Korea. Really thankful for everything so far.

 Recently my problem has come back to haunt me, but I am refusing to let it affect me anymore. I am going to make full use of whatever time I have here. This is the last chance to do it and I know i have it in me to do it. After coming here, I seriously sat down and start thinking about my future, and I think I kinda have a plan of what I really wanna do in the future, and I am going to work my ass off here towards it so I can come back ready for my challenge. I can do it Jaslynn, AND I WILL DO IT!:)

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Picnic at Hangang!

So my friends and I were supposed to catch a baseball match yesterday but unfortunately the tickets were all sold out and it was the last match of the season :( So no more chance to watch baseball! I was really excited about it though cos this is the first time I am going to watch a baseball match! (In Singapore baseball is not a very popular sport). But oh well I guess there will always be another time!

We also decided that we wanted to have a picnic at the Han river the next day and watch the rainbow bridge show which was at night! It was really an eye opening experience having a picnic at night. Cos in Singapore people rarely or never have picnics at night. Picnics are meant for morning/afternoon and BBQs more for night. But here in Korea I was shocked to see the grasses at Hangang packed to the brim with people and tents in the evening about 6/7 plus! So we sat down and ordered chimeg haha like practically every tent there was eating that its kinda like a picnic food for them (just like how sandwiches are for us). And its really cool too cos basically we will call and order the chicken from a shop (like ordering from MacDonalds) and they will send it straight to the location that we are at! Well okay, it did not really happen very smoothly for us cos of some miscommunication so we ended up having to go find the delivery man for our chicken but it was supposed to be like them delivering it to us. Or so I heard hahah

And alas, the rainbow bridge show was at 8pm so we waited excitedly for it. 8pm, no show. 830pm, no show. 9pm, no show. Hahah I dont know what happened but I have a feeling we sat on the wrong side of the bridge cos apparently I saw some water spewing out from the other side of the bridge at 8pm and I highly suspect that was the show in action lol. But nvm we still had a great time! We ended up playing games like Polar Bear and Margaret Thatcher(?) haha something la. Damn fun and we talked a lot.

And it marks exactly 1 month since I arrived in Korea! It has been awesome so far, Im really glad for these group of friends here that made exchange so much more fun and less homesick. And also of course the new friends that I made here. My apartment mates are really nice people, and we are all from different countries so everyday Im learning new things about another culture and its really interesting! I do miss Singapore though and my family and friends there, but thank god for these people here:)

Lol I was doing a multi shot of this swinging my hair and this is the most potential Pantene commercial picture HAHAH

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Oh Osaka! (5)

Last day in Japan, I can't believe how time passed so fast! Seemed like just awhile ago that we were frantically trying to settle all the problems to fly to Japan, and now we are going back. Sighhh but I really enjoyed myself here, I will definitely come back here again next time when I have the opportunity!
So today we decided to go sightseeing at the minoo park and the Nara deer park. Minoo/Minoh park is famous for their waterfall. We reached mino-o station and saw directions that said we were to take a "leisure" 2.4km walk to the waterfall. Leisure...ya right haha how stupid was I to actually believe it. The waterfall is on a mountain...so you get my point haha. At one point (see pic below), the slope was actually really 45deg incline it was crazy haha we were so scared we will slip and fall off the cliff or something.

 And we got lost halfway we went up this super steep slope before reaching an even steeper slope that seemed just too dangerous for anyone to even climb that we realised it was probably the wrong way. So we headed to the other direction and finally after walking for what seems like forever and almost risking our lives we reached the waterfall. I was a little disappointed cos it was smaller then I expected but it was nevertheless beautiful. Nature always is. :)

Took some pictures and headed down quickly.  We bypassed the insect museum and temples there cos it was already 3pm (dint expect the climb to take so long) and we haven't had lunch and we were also rushing to the nara deer park before sunset to see the deers and the trip there would take about 1.5hrs.

Some deep fried maple leaves snack that I had at the waterfall! They literally put maple leaves in batter and deep fry them!! Pretty cool and delicious!

Stopped by this cafe called ucc coffee I think at mino-o station and I had the most delicious fried rice ever. I didn't take a picture of it but it was seriously homely and awesome. It beats the salted fried rice I always have at compass point foodcourt hands down. (It was my favourite fried rice and I could eat it a few times a week in singapore). I really can't figure out what were the ingredients used but it was DELICIOUS. Maybe that special ingredient was love and passion? Awwww 아주머니 가르쳐주세요!! (Aunty, teach me pls?)

Haha anyway after lunch we tooked the train back to Umeda station and transferred to the JR line to Nara station. Nara deer park is famous amongst tourists cos wild deers are freely roaming the park. Yeap you heard it right! Deers everywhere!!! Super cool when I heard that from yi wei I couldnt believe it till I saw it for myself. I mean who would believe that right?!

When we reached there, OMGGGGG. DEERS EVERYWHEREEEEEE. Coming up to us, unafraid and allowing us to pat their heads, it wss really surreal. Haha it was a really good experience!!! According to my friend, these deers are known as the "bowing deers" like if you bowed to them they will bow back. So we tried and I didn't manage to get mine to bow but I saw it bowing to my friend!!! We got it captured on camera and if I have the chance im gonna post it here. ( with the consent of my friend of course heehee)

It got dark really fast so we left and headed back to our hostel to pick up our lugagge and head to the airport.  Our flight is at 750am tomorrow but we are staying overnight here at the airport to save on accommodation and also we don't wanna risk waking up late and having to rush here early in the morning. No idea even if the public transport opens that early. Haha so now it's 2am, im at burger king blogging and I really should sleep but I can't sleep and I got to wake up at 5am omg something tells me I will be a walking zombie tomorrow. Okay today I mean. Enough nonsense I really should catch some sleep haha byeeeee Osaka/Tokyo you have been such an awesome host! Can't wait to see you again Japan!!! ♥♥♥

Monday 8 September 2014

Oh Osaka! (4)

Reached back to Osaka at 7am this morning and took a quick nap till about 12pm. Yesterday I suddenly realised that my friend Hazel went to this ramen museum in Osaka before and asked her about it. And I really wanted to go so I told Yi Wei and Li Wei and we made a last minute decision to go! Sadly lw couldn't join in the end cos her leg hurt.

Rushed to Ikeda station (where ramen museum is) not knowing if it was even opened today cos some sites online says it opens only from wed to sun, some say tuesday it is closed, and some said it is opened today but till 330 only. We decided to go try our luck anyway. Reached at 240 and I was so worried we would have made a wasted trip cos I heard they stop admission 1 hour before closing time.  Luckily when we reached it was still opened!! It closes at 4pm!

We managed to make our own customized cup noodles too!

Step 1: Pay 300 ¥ for the cup.

Step 2: wash your hands.

Step 3: Go design your own cup! (I really enjoyed myself here and it was so amusing cos of my horrendous art hahahah)

My Masterpiece HAHAHAH

Step 4: Choose the flavour of your cup noodle soup! ( Chilli tomato, original, seafood and curry. I chose the curry one!)

Step 5: Choose 4 ingredients to put in your noodles! ( mine was cheese, shrimps, egg and fish sausage)

My own customized cup noodle!

Step 6: Seal it, take a pic and youre done!!:)

It was really really fun, enjoyed myself tremendously there making my cup noodles and looking at the different kinds of cup noodles.  Im amazed at how far cup noodles have come and even more amazed at how many different kinds of cup noodles there are in this world. (And im sure this is not all the brands and flavours in the world!) Don't feel like eating my customized cup noodles but it will expire in a month's time:( haha I will taste it and let you guys know how it it! :))

Met up with lw at night for dinner and more last minute shopping at f21 and snacks for friends and family cos tomorrow we are going to the waterfall and the deer park so there wont be anymore time to look for all these. Last day in Japan tomorrow,  can't believe time passed so fast!!!:(( back to reality soon:((

Sunday 7 September 2014

Oh Tokyo! (3)

Reached tokyo at 620am in the morning and we were so crazy tired cos the bus isn't the best place to sleep...haha but well we did not book any accommodation in Tokyo cos we were only staying one day, so we decided to just start the day early by going to the Meiji shrine.  This shrine is so different from the one we saw in Osaka! It was huge and really really beautiful. We spent quite a bit of time exploring that place. Some pictures we took there~

After that we visited shopping districts like Harajuku, Shibuya and Shinjuku cos our main plan was just shopping in Tokyo. In the end we did not buy much stuff cos Japan's stuff is just too expensive!(with the exception of f21 haha dirt cheap) like the sale signs we saw for shoes were like 25sgd kind of thing haha. And we were probably so tired too we did not have the mood to walk around more and properly shop. Yeah so I did not get to explore much of Tokyo. When I have the money and time in future, im going to come back again and explore the nature and pretty landscape of Japan!

Saturday 6 September 2014

Oh Osaka! (2)

Day 2 in Osaka started off in the late morning!  I think all of us were really exhausted from the flight that we slept really early and woke up at like only 11am lol.

Today's plan was to go to Shinsekai for lunch, which is a food district nearby our place selling lots of Japan's delicacies such as deep fried skewers. So we set off and got there finally after getting lost for quite awhile. Lol most of Osaka's maps are in total Japanese, luckily we made the decision to get the wifi box.  Without it, we wouldnt be able to get wifi and that means no google maps. Google maps is our saviour for this trip haha. Anyway, Shinsekai is really quaint and uniquely Japanese. Haha I don't know a better way to describe it.  But its this feel that you know you are in Japan once you step into the place. Probably the architecture?  Or the way the people dress there?  It was really interesting though!  Great place to immerse in the Japanese culture! While we were there suddenly there was like some commotion and we saw a group of mascots walking around!! We were so excited idk why also haha but we managed to take some pictures with them, but Mr. breadman ran off too fast:(( haha it was this mascot that looks like a bread, REALLY CUTEEEE! ah well hopefully I see you again soon Mr Bread man! There wasn't much stuff to see there actually, left after taking some pictures of the place.

Next stop was to the Osaka Temmagu Shrine! Well, Shrines are like the representative of Osaka apparently, as like k pop is to Korea haha. So we definitely have to visit at least one shrine there! The Shrine is really beautiful and peaceful,  saw this board with many wish boards of mostly students praying for good results. Would have totally put my wish down there too but too bad I had no idea where to get the boards and all cos everything was in Japanese haha.

Walked around a bit and decided we were still early and decided to make a stopover at the Osaka castle which was not too far away from there. Osaka castle is apparently the place that was built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a warrior and damiyo, regarded as Japan's second greatest unifier. Well in layman terms, a great man respected by many in Japan lol. Anyway, Osaka castle costs about 600yen to enter and there are 8 stories to climb with each level showcasing the history of Japan during the Tokugawa period and beyond. I think it was quite worth the 600yen paid! There were a lot of exhibits displayed there,  I really enjoyed reading about the history of Japan but no pictures were allowed inside so I could only take a picture with the exterior haha.

Had ramen for dinner again and suddenly I feel a bit sick of ramen hahaha I never thought I will say that. In singapore I am ALWAYS craving ramen but I think here the stock is really thick so after eating awhile it gets salty and gelat. But maybe tomorrow I will crave for ramen again lolll. And now im on an overnight bus to Tokyo! SO EXCITED TO SEE TOKYO!!!! I think it will be more lively than Osaka and more happening!  Reaching at 620am in the morning haha I should probably get some rest now! Goodnight!!!:))