Tuesday 9 September 2014

Oh Osaka! (5)

Last day in Japan, I can't believe how time passed so fast! Seemed like just awhile ago that we were frantically trying to settle all the problems to fly to Japan, and now we are going back. Sighhh but I really enjoyed myself here, I will definitely come back here again next time when I have the opportunity!
So today we decided to go sightseeing at the minoo park and the Nara deer park. Minoo/Minoh park is famous for their waterfall. We reached mino-o station and saw directions that said we were to take a "leisure" 2.4km walk to the waterfall. Leisure...ya right haha how stupid was I to actually believe it. The waterfall is on a mountain...so you get my point haha. At one point (see pic below), the slope was actually really 45deg incline it was crazy haha we were so scared we will slip and fall off the cliff or something.

 And we got lost halfway we went up this super steep slope before reaching an even steeper slope that seemed just too dangerous for anyone to even climb that we realised it was probably the wrong way. So we headed to the other direction and finally after walking for what seems like forever and almost risking our lives we reached the waterfall. I was a little disappointed cos it was smaller then I expected but it was nevertheless beautiful. Nature always is. :)

Took some pictures and headed down quickly.  We bypassed the insect museum and temples there cos it was already 3pm (dint expect the climb to take so long) and we haven't had lunch and we were also rushing to the nara deer park before sunset to see the deers and the trip there would take about 1.5hrs.

Some deep fried maple leaves snack that I had at the waterfall! They literally put maple leaves in batter and deep fry them!! Pretty cool and delicious!

Stopped by this cafe called ucc coffee I think at mino-o station and I had the most delicious fried rice ever. I didn't take a picture of it but it was seriously homely and awesome. It beats the salted fried rice I always have at compass point foodcourt hands down. (It was my favourite fried rice and I could eat it a few times a week in singapore). I really can't figure out what were the ingredients used but it was DELICIOUS. Maybe that special ingredient was love and passion? Awwww 아주머니 가르쳐주세요!! (Aunty, teach me pls?)

Haha anyway after lunch we tooked the train back to Umeda station and transferred to the JR line to Nara station. Nara deer park is famous amongst tourists cos wild deers are freely roaming the park. Yeap you heard it right! Deers everywhere!!! Super cool when I heard that from yi wei I couldnt believe it till I saw it for myself. I mean who would believe that right?!

When we reached there, OMGGGGG. DEERS EVERYWHEREEEEEE. Coming up to us, unafraid and allowing us to pat their heads, it wss really surreal. Haha it was a really good experience!!! According to my friend, these deers are known as the "bowing deers" like if you bowed to them they will bow back. So we tried and I didn't manage to get mine to bow but I saw it bowing to my friend!!! We got it captured on camera and if I have the chance im gonna post it here. ( with the consent of my friend of course heehee)

It got dark really fast so we left and headed back to our hostel to pick up our lugagge and head to the airport.  Our flight is at 750am tomorrow but we are staying overnight here at the airport to save on accommodation and also we don't wanna risk waking up late and having to rush here early in the morning. No idea even if the public transport opens that early. Haha so now it's 2am, im at burger king blogging and I really should sleep but I can't sleep and I got to wake up at 5am omg something tells me I will be a walking zombie tomorrow. Okay today I mean. Enough nonsense I really should catch some sleep haha byeeeee Osaka/Tokyo you have been such an awesome host! Can't wait to see you again Japan!!! ♥♥♥

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