Monday 8 September 2014

Oh Osaka! (4)

Reached back to Osaka at 7am this morning and took a quick nap till about 12pm. Yesterday I suddenly realised that my friend Hazel went to this ramen museum in Osaka before and asked her about it. And I really wanted to go so I told Yi Wei and Li Wei and we made a last minute decision to go! Sadly lw couldn't join in the end cos her leg hurt.

Rushed to Ikeda station (where ramen museum is) not knowing if it was even opened today cos some sites online says it opens only from wed to sun, some say tuesday it is closed, and some said it is opened today but till 330 only. We decided to go try our luck anyway. Reached at 240 and I was so worried we would have made a wasted trip cos I heard they stop admission 1 hour before closing time.  Luckily when we reached it was still opened!! It closes at 4pm!

We managed to make our own customized cup noodles too!

Step 1: Pay 300 ¥ for the cup.

Step 2: wash your hands.

Step 3: Go design your own cup! (I really enjoyed myself here and it was so amusing cos of my horrendous art hahahah)

My Masterpiece HAHAHAH

Step 4: Choose the flavour of your cup noodle soup! ( Chilli tomato, original, seafood and curry. I chose the curry one!)

Step 5: Choose 4 ingredients to put in your noodles! ( mine was cheese, shrimps, egg and fish sausage)

My own customized cup noodle!

Step 6: Seal it, take a pic and youre done!!:)

It was really really fun, enjoyed myself tremendously there making my cup noodles and looking at the different kinds of cup noodles.  Im amazed at how far cup noodles have come and even more amazed at how many different kinds of cup noodles there are in this world. (And im sure this is not all the brands and flavours in the world!) Don't feel like eating my customized cup noodles but it will expire in a month's time:( haha I will taste it and let you guys know how it it! :))

Met up with lw at night for dinner and more last minute shopping at f21 and snacks for friends and family cos tomorrow we are going to the waterfall and the deer park so there wont be anymore time to look for all these. Last day in Japan tomorrow,  can't believe time passed so fast!!!:(( back to reality soon:((

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