Saturday 6 September 2014

Oh Osaka! (2)

Day 2 in Osaka started off in the late morning!  I think all of us were really exhausted from the flight that we slept really early and woke up at like only 11am lol.

Today's plan was to go to Shinsekai for lunch, which is a food district nearby our place selling lots of Japan's delicacies such as deep fried skewers. So we set off and got there finally after getting lost for quite awhile. Lol most of Osaka's maps are in total Japanese, luckily we made the decision to get the wifi box.  Without it, we wouldnt be able to get wifi and that means no google maps. Google maps is our saviour for this trip haha. Anyway, Shinsekai is really quaint and uniquely Japanese. Haha I don't know a better way to describe it.  But its this feel that you know you are in Japan once you step into the place. Probably the architecture?  Or the way the people dress there?  It was really interesting though!  Great place to immerse in the Japanese culture! While we were there suddenly there was like some commotion and we saw a group of mascots walking around!! We were so excited idk why also haha but we managed to take some pictures with them, but Mr. breadman ran off too fast:(( haha it was this mascot that looks like a bread, REALLY CUTEEEE! ah well hopefully I see you again soon Mr Bread man! There wasn't much stuff to see there actually, left after taking some pictures of the place.

Next stop was to the Osaka Temmagu Shrine! Well, Shrines are like the representative of Osaka apparently, as like k pop is to Korea haha. So we definitely have to visit at least one shrine there! The Shrine is really beautiful and peaceful,  saw this board with many wish boards of mostly students praying for good results. Would have totally put my wish down there too but too bad I had no idea where to get the boards and all cos everything was in Japanese haha.

Walked around a bit and decided we were still early and decided to make a stopover at the Osaka castle which was not too far away from there. Osaka castle is apparently the place that was built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a warrior and damiyo, regarded as Japan's second greatest unifier. Well in layman terms, a great man respected by many in Japan lol. Anyway, Osaka castle costs about 600yen to enter and there are 8 stories to climb with each level showcasing the history of Japan during the Tokugawa period and beyond. I think it was quite worth the 600yen paid! There were a lot of exhibits displayed there,  I really enjoyed reading about the history of Japan but no pictures were allowed inside so I could only take a picture with the exterior haha.

Had ramen for dinner again and suddenly I feel a bit sick of ramen hahaha I never thought I will say that. In singapore I am ALWAYS craving ramen but I think here the stock is really thick so after eating awhile it gets salty and gelat. But maybe tomorrow I will crave for ramen again lolll. And now im on an overnight bus to Tokyo! SO EXCITED TO SEE TOKYO!!!! I think it will be more lively than Osaka and more happening!  Reaching at 620am in the morning haha I should probably get some rest now! Goodnight!!!:))

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