Friday 5 September 2014

Oh Osaka! (1)

So im finally here in Japan! The pre-Japan trip has been nothing short of stressfulness, starting from the planning, to the buying of wrong dates of air tickets, to forgetting to pay the deposit of the hotel and booking the wifi box. And not to mention the crazy anxiety we all felt when we thought we would not get our alien registration card number in time to leave the country, and to finally missing the flight cos we mistook the airport we were supposed to fly off at and ending up having to pay extra to book the next earliest flight out. So many obstacles and difficulties we faced just trying to go for this trip, it was as if we weren't meant to come here at all. I seriously felt so tired and stressed I almost dint wanna come at all already. But well im glad I did! Osaka has been awesome so far, and it's only the first day but im enjoying myself! So enough of the negativity,  my blog shall only be filled with positivity!^^ Life happens, shit happens, money is not everything and can always be earned back,  so I guess all that is important now is to make all that struggles worth it by enjoying myself as much as I can here! No point crying over spilt milk :))
(P.s cos of the missed flight, I got my 1st experience in a jimjilbang!  Stayed in a jimjilbang overnight at the airport haha it was really quite cool cos we paid like 20,000w and we have overnight access to the sauna, hotspring, baths and the common room to sleep in! Really a new experience for me and I enjoyed it cos Singapore will never have such things!)
So we reached Osaka and travelled to our dorm just in time for lunch! I was pretty shocked when I reached our dorm, it was really not what I had really expected.  It is clean, but it is rather small and stuffy and theres this weird rattan smell in the room and I think im allergic to it cos im sneezing real badly in the room now haha. And it's freaking hot.(no a/c only fan)But but but the toilets are really clean and the staff are very nice! And my room is clean la, so it is still worth the price I paid for it. ($18/night)

We asked the staff for recommendation of food nearby cos we were starving and it was almost 3pm. Luckily for us there is this famous oknomoyaki shop just around the corner of our hostel so we decided to go there to eat. IT.IS.FREAKING.GOOD. I felt I was in heaven when I ate it no kidding!! And it was really filling too! The owner uncle spoke really good english and he is also very very friendly! Hahah we took a picture with him but they are all in my camera so I can only upload them later when I get back to Seoul and have a laptop. Definitely gonna come back here to eat again soon!!

As it was pretty late already and we were kinda tired from the flight, we changed our plans to go to Shinsaibashi street to walk around instead of minoo park cos it was nearer to us. Sinsaibashi is actually a shopping street that is famous in Osaka. The train tickets in Osaka are really cute and old school, they are still using the punch ticket system!!!! We were in total awe seeing the machines haha omg long long time since we all saw and used them!

Shinsaibashi street is quite nice and has many things to look at, but I only bought some stuff at F21 cos they were the cheapest there! (Mostly less than 20sgd clothes) The sales in Osaka are not really sales haha, like the shoes sales are like still abt at least $25? Compared to Korea's 10,000w shoes (about $10). Walked around a bit more and ate ippudo ramen which was honestly average only. I hope I can find better ramen around before i go back!!

Where is my Mr. Glico man~

Back to the hostel early after dinner cos we were all very tired and my eye had some infection and its all red now:( gonna sleep now hopefully my sore eye and runny nose gets well by tomorrow!  Gg to the food street and spaworld tomorrow omg excited!!!!;))

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