Sunday 7 September 2014

Oh Tokyo! (3)

Reached tokyo at 620am in the morning and we were so crazy tired cos the bus isn't the best place to sleep...haha but well we did not book any accommodation in Tokyo cos we were only staying one day, so we decided to just start the day early by going to the Meiji shrine.  This shrine is so different from the one we saw in Osaka! It was huge and really really beautiful. We spent quite a bit of time exploring that place. Some pictures we took there~

After that we visited shopping districts like Harajuku, Shibuya and Shinjuku cos our main plan was just shopping in Tokyo. In the end we did not buy much stuff cos Japan's stuff is just too expensive!(with the exception of f21 haha dirt cheap) like the sale signs we saw for shoes were like 25sgd kind of thing haha. And we were probably so tired too we did not have the mood to walk around more and properly shop. Yeah so I did not get to explore much of Tokyo. When I have the money and time in future, im going to come back again and explore the nature and pretty landscape of Japan!

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