Saturday 20 September 2014

1 month mark:)

Just a short update on my life in Korea so far. ITS BEEN 1 MONTH HERE ALREADY?!! OMGGG time sure passes so quickly!!Im so glad to have met new friends from around the world instead of just sticking to my Singapore friends. (though of course they are the best company), but yeah I am really glad and blessed to have such nice roommates. Initially I was really afraid of staying in the Dormitory because I was afraid of having to deal with different personalities in the same household. But I am glad to say all is turning out well so far? My roommate and apartment mates are awesome, heres a picture of them:)

haha it feels great that I can talk to them almost every night so casually like we have known each other for a long time. Talking about everything under the Sun, and also the fact that they are all younger than me did not really occur to me, and that means that we click together really well?:))

And also thankful for my friends in Singapore who introduced to me Korean friends here so that I can feel more at ease here in Korea. Really thankful for everything so far.

 Recently my problem has come back to haunt me, but I am refusing to let it affect me anymore. I am going to make full use of whatever time I have here. This is the last chance to do it and I know i have it in me to do it. After coming here, I seriously sat down and start thinking about my future, and I think I kinda have a plan of what I really wanna do in the future, and I am going to work my ass off here towards it so I can come back ready for my challenge. I can do it Jaslynn, AND I WILL DO IT!:)


  1. GOGOGO! push the home plus trolley to count the kilometres. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    1. HAHAHA and let my trainer know hahahahahaha
