Tuesday 16 September 2014

Picnic at Hangang!

So my friends and I were supposed to catch a baseball match yesterday but unfortunately the tickets were all sold out and it was the last match of the season :( So no more chance to watch baseball! I was really excited about it though cos this is the first time I am going to watch a baseball match! (In Singapore baseball is not a very popular sport). But oh well I guess there will always be another time!

We also decided that we wanted to have a picnic at the Han river the next day and watch the rainbow bridge show which was at night! It was really an eye opening experience having a picnic at night. Cos in Singapore people rarely or never have picnics at night. Picnics are meant for morning/afternoon and BBQs more for night. But here in Korea I was shocked to see the grasses at Hangang packed to the brim with people and tents in the evening about 6/7 plus! So we sat down and ordered chimeg haha like practically every tent there was eating that its kinda like a picnic food for them (just like how sandwiches are for us). And its really cool too cos basically we will call and order the chicken from a shop (like ordering from MacDonalds) and they will send it straight to the location that we are at! Well okay, it did not really happen very smoothly for us cos of some miscommunication so we ended up having to go find the delivery man for our chicken but it was supposed to be like them delivering it to us. Or so I heard hahah

And alas, the rainbow bridge show was at 8pm so we waited excitedly for it. 8pm, no show. 830pm, no show. 9pm, no show. Hahah I dont know what happened but I have a feeling we sat on the wrong side of the bridge cos apparently I saw some water spewing out from the other side of the bridge at 8pm and I highly suspect that was the show in action lol. But nvm we still had a great time! We ended up playing games like Polar Bear and Margaret Thatcher(?) haha something la. Damn fun and we talked a lot.

And it marks exactly 1 month since I arrived in Korea! It has been awesome so far, Im really glad for these group of friends here that made exchange so much more fun and less homesick. And also of course the new friends that I made here. My apartment mates are really nice people, and we are all from different countries so everyday Im learning new things about another culture and its really interesting! I do miss Singapore though and my family and friends there, but thank god for these people here:)

Lol I was doing a multi shot of this swinging my hair and this is the most potential Pantene commercial picture HAHAH

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